
Whole Body Donation

Whole-Body Donations help future generations through research and education in Hawaii and around the world. The educational and scientific value of your Gift helps families through the bereavement process. In addition, participating in the  Ke Ola 'Uhane donation program helps those concerned with financial constraints or the possible burden on loved ones. See our article in Generations Magazine.


Death is an uncomfortable subject for many, and donating your body to science may seem an unconventional choice to consider. We work with individuals and their families to understand this opportunity to participate in groundbreaking medical training and research.


medical advancement

Physicians, surgeons, nurses, EMTs, and other medical professionals and students, locally and from around the world, gain invaluable knowledge and experience in the latest medical techniques and technologies through your generous whole-body donation. These practitioners take this knowledge back to their patients here in Hawaii and abroad. As a donor, you make this critical education and training possible through your selfless and generous gift.


financial benefits

Whole-body Donations help future generations through research and education and the educational and scientific value of your Gift helps families through bereavement process. In addition, participating in the Ke Ola 'Uhane donation program helps those concerned with financial constraints or the possible burden on loved ones.

Donation Process

You may become a Ke Ola 'Uhane donor by pre-signing yourself into the program. Along with the meaningful contribution to research, your gift also provides your loved ones with a dignified alternative to the typical final expenses.


Unlike organ donation, almost everyone is eligible for whole body donation. Researchers and educators utilize tissue from ill donors, even those with:

  • Cancer

  • Diabetes

  • TB

  • Heart Disease

However, there are some exclusions, such as those with blood-related diseases: AIDS; HIV; Hepatitis B and; Hepatitis C.

Ke Ola 'Uhane accepts donations from persons who previously:

  • Donated organs

  • Had an autopsy

  • Had an amputation

  • Were obese or excessively thin

We have no annual quota and we do not discriminate against size, gender or body shape.

Registration and Donation

Complete the donor registration forms with the assistance of our professional staff.

  1. Inform your family or legal authorizing party to contact Ke Ola 'Uhane at time of death.

  2. Upon notification, Ke Ola 'Uhane provides transportation of the donor to our authorized facility and files appropriate paperwork including death certificates.

  3. Donor participates in medical education, training, and research.

  4. Cremated remains are returned in 3 to 12 months or ashes are spread at sea in the Hawaiian waters.


There are minimal costs associated with your donation:

  • Cremation - Free

  • Body transportation - $1,500.00

  • Completing and filing of death certificate - Free

  • Returning the urn to our donor’s family - Free

  • Dignified Burial at Sea - Free